Becoming An Online Trainer


The world of online training is both fast-paced and furious, and if you’re not calculated in your efforts it can very quickly chew you up and spit you out again!

As we write this blog post (July 2020) we’re on the back end of COVID-19 and (especially here in Australia) gyms have re-opened and there is a newfound enthusiasm and sentiment for success. This applies to both fitness clients that have been desperate to get back to their gyms and facilities and our amazing industry of PT’s, trainers and coaches (whatever terminology you like to identify as!).

As we reflect back on the past 3 months of chaos and uncertainty in the world and specifically in the fitness industry, there’s one observation that we’ve made which became a necessity for most.

That is that many ‘online’ versions of a fitness business were born!

Now, these new businesses have many positives, however, they can also be plagued with potential pitfalls.

The purpose of this blog post is to unpack the good, the bad and the ugly when it comes to building an online PT business, including some of the steps that you might need to take if you would like to venture into this space.

We want you to have clarity and certainty as to whether you’d like to explore building an online fitness business and becoming an ‘online trainer’.

-The Good -


So, you used to be a face to face trainer. You delivered PT sessions in the gym, in your own facility or outdoors and peoples homes. There were so many options available and it was (for many) the best practice way that they knew how to deliver their service and get results for clients.

COVID-19 seemed to very rapidly change all that!

Suddenly trainers from all around the world needed to quickly change and modify their style of delivery, or go out of business.

Enter the ‘Zoom’ trainer.

Zoom reported making $328 million in revenue during its February–April quarter 2020. That’s up far more than double from the same time last year, when it made $122 million!

The beauty of using an online platform like Zoom, has now enabled any trainer from anywhere to be able to deliver their physical sessions. No longer will you allow a client to cancel an appointment because they can’t get to the gym, are travelling interstate or stuck in the office. Simply open up Zoom and get the regular session going!

Therefore the platforms are well set and established, and really there’s no reason why any trainer can’t embark to include an online offering.


The Bad - What keep’s people blocked from building an online business?

The greatest resistance and restrictions will typically be self-imposed. Quite simply, if you don’t feel that you will be successful as an online trainer, then you are absolutely correct! Here are the top reasons that we see trainers getting held back with their online fitness business aspirations.:

  1. Not having a clear vision, plan and strategy.

Falling into the trap of trying to be ‘everything to everyone’ is dangerous, as it ultimately set’s you up for a lack of specific direction.

Once you are crystal clear on your ideal clients and most importantly how you can solve their greatest fears, problems and concerns, then you will be able to devise a strategy on how to attract them to you. To accelerate this process, we’ve created the ultimate template to assist you to identify your ideal client.

Download your ideal client template here:

The next step is to devise the right messaging strategy that speaks directly to your ideal client. What do you stand for, what values do you have as an organisation and how are you making a difference in the lives of others. This stage in the process assists in taking someone from simply a lead to a qualified buyer that can see exactly how it is that you can assist them.

2. Getting blocked on which platform or program to use

Technology and trainers...aarrgh, we completely get it!

You signed up to be a fitness professional to do what you love and are passionate about and to use that passion to change others lives. But you never signed up to become a ‘techie”!!!

The simple fact of the matter is that we are living in a digital world, we are in the era of artificial intelligence and the better you can have an understanding of technology, the easier your life will be as an online trainer!


Paralysis by analysis will keep you completely stuck and blocked on helping others.

So we’re here to tell you firsthand that we have PTs and coaches running successful online programs using some of the following;

a) Free Programs - yep, you heard it. Google sheets, interactive PDF documents and private Facebook groups. They are all free, and super-easy to use. There’s absolutely no reason why you can’t do the same!

b) App’s and done-for-you templates - these are the most common, and from our experience in both using them and seeing our clients at Trainer HQ negotiating the minefield of options, we can confirm 1 thing; that is there doesn’t seem to be (just) 1 program that satisfies everyone’s needs are requirements. Each platform will have its pros and cons for what you might need. Our advice is to do your due diligence, however, don’t get blocked on the analysis.

c) Build your own app - whilst we would never directly tell you ‘not’ to do something, we have seen many people invest massive amounts of time, energy and more importantly huge amounts of money to build the ultimate platform, only to find that it creates more ongoing development and work. Generally speaking, we’d recommend to leverage off the hard work and expertise that others have done and created for you.


 The Ugly

We’re gonna give it to you straight…

If you believe that there is some unknown power, online set-up fairy or magical secret that suddenly produces the perfect online fitness business, then you will be sadly let down!

Building an online fitness offering will require you to develop necessary business skills that are transferred both to (and from) a successful and profitable model.

For years, we’ve been assisting our clients at Trainer HQ who are running a successful physical business to develop an effective online marketing and lead generation strategy. Basically, what we are saying here is that a large number of the new enquiries and leads that many of the businesses that we serve are generated online.

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So how does this then differ to building an online business? Well, that’s the thing, it doesn’t.

The only thing that changes here is the actual way the program is delivered. It’s also referred to as the feature and it’s actually the part (for most fitness professionals) that you do really well. Therefore if you are delivering your program face to face, over zoom, via a pre-written online format then we’ll go under the assumption that you’ll get this part sorted!


Wealth without work - is it possible?

In certain circles, the idea of becoming an online trainer is held in the highest regard and glorified. The part that can seem enticing for many is the idea that you can develop a ‘set and forget’ model. Attract a bunch of people to your program, then kick back on the beach in Thailand with your MacBook in hand and work on your tan, whilst you occasionally upload a new program!

It all sounds great in theory, however, we’re here to tell you firsthand that building any business requires effort. It will ask the best of you. It will ask you to devote time, energy and money to making it a success. There will be challenges and struggles along the way and it will force you to become a better version of yourself.

In summary, in our 25 years of running fitness businesses, we have yet to witness one that produces ‘wealth without work’ and I doubt that we ever will.


 So what’s the next step for you to becoming an online trainer?

We wanted to make it as easy as possible for anyone to decide if building an online training business is for them. Therefore we’ve mapped out the steps that you would need to take in making a decision.

We’ve developed a mini-course entitled the ‘Online Trainer Playbook’

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The program has been constructed for those who are new to business, specifically the online side of things, and don’t know where to start. Alternatively, you’ve been in business for a while, but not sure how to start online and what steps are required. Quite possibly, you want to add an additional income stream and source of revenue.

Many of our clients at Trainer HQ who have operated a physical business and have been at the stage of exploring all the pros and cons of going online. Allow our process to assist you in taking out the guesswork.

Finally, if you’d like to understand how other successful fitness businesses are structuring their online programs and how you can do it too.

The program also discusses the all-important steps of developing an effective marketing and sales process.


The ‘Online Trainer Playbook’ is only $29 and is available now for a limited time at this reduced rate.

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